Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Выучить слова на диктант.

1. mosaic - a picture made by placing together small pieces of glass, stone, etc of different colours
2. Lent - in the Christian Church, the period of 40 days from Ash Wednesday to the day before Easter, during which some Christians give up some type of food in memory of Christ's suffering
3. pilgrimage - a journey to a holy place for religious reasons.
4. secularism - the belief that religion should not be involved in the organization of society, education, etc
5. sermon - a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service
6. choir - a group of people who sing together, for example in church services or public performances
7. confession - a statement that a person makes, admitting that they are guilty of a crime;
8. mosque - a building in which Muslims worship
9. nun - a member of a religious community of women who promise to serve God all their lives and often live together in a convent.
10. congregation - a group of people who are gathered together in a church to worship God, not including the priest and choir.

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